Silent Retreat

Dear Parishioners,
I joined 29 of our Parishioners, youth along with their mothers on our 3 Day Silent Retreat Weekend.
We were led through the silence by Fr Ed Traves and his wonderful talks on Prayers and our Relationships with God.

Fr Ed reminded us of the power of St Ignatius’ “Examine of Consciousness” Prayer. It is a 5 Step
Prayer that all Jesuits pray including our First Jesuit Pope, Pope Francis.

The 5 Steps are as following:

Step 1: Pray for light, ask the Holy Spirit to enlighten me.
Step 2: Rest in God’s presence with faith-filled gratitude to the Heavenly Father for all His gifts.
Step 3: Look with faith over your day or recent hours of your day to recognize your movements
towards God or away from God.
Step 4: Seek to be embraced in his Mercy as a loved son/daughter of the Loving Father.
Step 5: Aspire to continue to grow closer to God living under His presence and love.
Being the Month of the Rosary, the Examine Prayer is a great daily prayer to pray before or after the

Monsignor Shora Maree

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