Our Priests

Name Position Phone
Fr Danny Nouh Dean of the Cathedtral P: 02 9689 2899
Fr Youwakim Noujeim Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
Fr John Paul Bassil Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
Fr Sam Wehbe Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
Fr Joseph Maatouk Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
Fr. Sayed Isaac Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
Fr Michael Boudaher Assistant Parsih Priest P: 02 9689 2899
SD. Jospeh Khoury Subdeacon P: 02 9689 2899

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