O Lamb of God…
Brothers and Sisters in Christ,In the first Sunday after the Theophany, the Church offers us the testimony of John the Baptist about the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world. John the Baptist said it in the spirit of prophecy as he saw the whole Mystery of Redemption in just one moment, the moment of the
sacred baptism in the Jordan River.
John had been awaiting that moment, the moment of sighting the Lamb of God to announce Him to everyone and lead all people to Him. This was essentially his mission, to pave the way for the Lord then disappear so the New Testament would start. In just one sentence captured by John the
Evangelist in today’s Gospel, John the Baptist summarised his role in comparison with the role of the Lord: “behind me comes one who ranks ahead of me because he was before me.” (John 1: 30).
Baptism is first and foremost an initiative from God who speaks to us before we answer Him, who has accepted us before we became worthy to accept Him and who took our sins and our death to give us life.
In his epistle today, Saint Paul urges the Corinthians with divine authority, but also with the humility of Christ, to return to the teaching of the Church, obedience and repentance. His objective was to fight false ideas about faith. He seemed tough with his words, but he assured them that his rigorism, as well as his authority, were not to destroy them but to build them up.
What about us who have been baptised and believe, do we bear witness to our faith in our daily lives? Do our deeds express our words and are our words consistent with our deeds? In our life journey, do we know that it is Christ who carries us and liberates us by His cross of love and His victorious resurrection?
O Lord, illuminate our paths to announce your truth like John and disappear as he did so you appear through us.
On a parish note, the committee and teachers of the First Holy Communion of our children have started the preparation for the Sacrament’s program this year. The enrolment deadline ends soon. It is an important phase in the lives of our children as we give them through it the treasure of faith preserved in the Sacrament of the Eucharist.
We hope that this time is a period of rest to recharge our energy so we start strong with the Lord Jesus in this new year, whether in our parish, at work or in our families.