Men & Women Complete each other

Sisters and Brothers,
Welcome to the fourth Sunday of the Glorious Resurrection. I pray that you are still basking in the light that shone from Jesus’ tomb and are being nourished by the fruits of this blessed season.

Last Wednesday, Pope Francis said that marriage is a “vocation all believers are called to defend, specifically in terms of the complimentary union between a man and a woman.” In reflecting on the Genesis account of the creation story, the Pope says that “man doesn’t see woman as a mere replica or reflection of himself, but immediately recognised her as someone reciprocal and complimentary to him.” This means that the woman is not a duplication or reproduction of the man as many people think because of the “rib” imagery portrayed in the Bible. Rather she is the creative act of God. The overarching theme of the Pope’s homily is that man and woman are equal and they complement each other.

Over the ages, the patriarchal cultures have led to great injustices against woman. From sexist attitudes, to degradation, to slavery, to rape and sexual abuse the list goes on and on. Unfortunately, this injustice continues today. Even though we have come a long way in terms of development, technology and understanding, there are still many injustices that occur in the home against wives and mothers, in the workplace, in the Church and in society in general.

God loved the woman so much that he gave her a share in creation. He loved her so much that through her, He became incarnate and dwelt among us. Therefore, if the creator of all being is able to do this, then who are we to do the opposite? I pray for all those who continue to be the cause of injustices against woman, that they may see the light of God’s true love and realise that without a woman the family cannot exist for she is the compassion of God actuated in this world.

The week that has just passed was extra special. As Australians, we celebrated the centenary of the commemoration of ANZAC day. On this day we remember those brave men and women who lost their lives in battle during the First World War. It is because of all these heroes that we have the opportunity to live the free life that we live today. I am proud to say that as Lebanese descendants, many of our young men and women also participated in this war to protect this great nation. There is a list of names of at least 50 people of Lebanese origin that has been posted on social media sites. May we always remember and teach our children about the sacrifices that so many people endured so that we may live in peace.

On a parish level, the month of May begins next Friday. To open up this Blessed month, His Excellency Bishop Antoine-Charbel will be celebrating the Mass at the 6pm. For information on the home visits, please refer to the section inside the Newsletter. May the month of Mary our Mother and patron of this blessed Cathedral truly bring your families abundant blessings and graces.

Fr Tony Sarkis

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