Renewal of Life
We are a people of the Light and as we enter into the mystery of the Resurrection, we are called to be faithful witnesses to the Light and the Truth that is Jesus Christ. In these times of tribulation and unrest throughout the world, we personally need to focus on the light of faith, rather than the surrounding darkness. Our light must shine through the darkness of despair and discouragement, for all to see. When we say “Christ Is Risen” we need to believe this Truth and to proclaim it from the depth of our hearts, that Christ is TRULY Risen!
Today, as the Church celebrates New Sunday, we reflect upon what the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Christ has meant to us. How has our own life been renewed by our sharing in these Mysteries of the Church? How has our spiritual life been enriched over these past 7 weeks? This is a time when we are each offered the opportunity, by the Grace of God, to renew our hearts so that we can become more like Christ.
This is a time when families come to know how important they are as a unit of love, a ‘domestic church’ within our Universal Church. Our parish family here at Our Lady of Lebanon has been blessed to share in the sorrow, the pain, the death, and finally the glorious Resurrection of Our Lord, as one family of God. Let us continue to renew our lives and our hearts in a daily conversion, so that our Faith, Hope, and Love may bring us closer and closer to the Heart of God.
Also today, we warmly welcome back Monsignor Shora Maree, who has been away in Rome on Sabbatical leave. May the Lord continue to bless him with grace and wisdom, as he serves with a generous heart in his priestly ministry among us.
Let us pray on this New Sunday that the Light of the Resurrected Christ will conquer the darkest corners of the earth, and that all hearts will come to have knowledge of the Way, the Truth, and the Life that is Christ Jesus our Redeemer! May the Lord bless each and every member of our parish family, and may you continue to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world!