Noah’s Ark Now!

While the Movie Noah does depart quite alot from Bible Story in the Book of Genisis we can say that it carries some part of the Sacred message for us today. Firstly how the Animals are led to come to the Ark to be saved from the flood is very powerfully depicted and how the Ark saves Noah and his family.

The Spiritual Ark now that will save us is Jesus’ Cross that carries us into the new life of the  Resurrection. Coming to Church today, this Hosanna (Palm) Sunday, and please God nearly every day this Passion (Holy) Week and participating in the Holy Liturgies we say we want to journey with Jesus as his People taking our place on the Ark His Cross that saves us and leads us to new life.

We were signed at the beginning of Lent on AshMonday with the sign of the Cross proclaiming with out the power of the Cross we would only die and be dust and ash only. However if we live the way of the Cross in Faith Hope and Love we Rise to Live.

Here at our Parish and the Mass Centres we will experience big crowds and maybe delays and no where to sit and maybe we can be frustrated. But let’s remember although there is some physical discomfort or shortage of parking or space, God’s Love in Jesus and the power of his Cross always has plenty of room for us. Often it is more our hearts that are over-crowded with pride, anger, jealousy and stress or selfishness and judgemental thoughts. When our hearts are full of Love and our minds thoughts of Faith then we can see there is spiritual room for everyone who is willing to board the Ark of Jesus’ Cross.

Please God what we have given up and taken up for Lent including a deep Confession for healing and forgiveness may lead us now truly step on board the Ark of the Cross. If we have drifted a little it is still not too late to step aboard with Jesus. May, Mary who we call the Star of the Sea our Heavenly Mother inspire us by her example and Prayers in stepping and staying aboard the new Ark.

Monsignor Shora Maree

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