The Maronite Church around the world sings with praise and joy to God the Father for giving us St Maroun, Patron Saint of our Maronite Church in Lebanon and around the world. This great and monastic Saint remained faithful to the teachings of Christ and to His Gospel despite persecutions. He lived according to Christs’ words that he was “the salt of the earth and light of the world.” St Maroun, like the salt, preserved the Word of Christ and helped to teach others about Jesus, thus building a strong and supportive spiritual family.

Like a light in the dark, St Maroun’s love for Christ and Christians shone amidst all the darkness of persecutions and martyrdoms, thus grounding this spiritual family firmly in the faith. This spiritual family was so strong and faithful that they later became known as Maronites or followers of St Maroun and has grown to be the Maronite Church around the world today.

Married couples who are committed in faith and love are like pillars in our Maronite Church and Parish and this week, we celebrate the Feast of St Valentine, the Patron of married couples, who like St Maroun was “salt of the earth and light of the world.”

Yes, although the secular world has made a day out of St Valentine and everyone rushes off to buy roses and attend dinner with the love of their life, it is very important to remember and understand who St Valentine was and why he is so special. St Valentine was a Roman Priest who had a special place for young couples. (Refer to Saint of the week for more information).

St Valentine strongly believed in the Sacramental bond of Marriage. He understood that marriage is a light which helps us to see the loving intimacy between the Holy Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit that gives life to all. A married couple in their intimacy are called to be this light also: The husband gives of himself totally to his wife, as she responds with her own gift of self to him and from this union springs new life.

Husbands and wives therefore, you are called to great responsibility to each other and to your children. Your marriage is a gift from God and just as God called St Maroun and St Valentine, He also calls you to be a ‘light to the world’ – a beacon of hope, witnessing to the reality of the intimate union of Father, Son and Holy Spirit – the living manifestation of Love and source of all love in the world.

So as we celebrate the feasts of these two great Saints, let us remember that God calls us all to be “salt of the earth and light of the world” let us not get caught up in the commercial and secular context of the feast. When you take your loved one for dinner or you buy them roses, remember the true reason for the Feast, to be witnesses to the love of the Trinity.

It would also be beautiful to come to Church on that Feast day with your family or loved one and thank God for all the love He shows us and to thank Him for these Saints before attending dinner or other engagements. See below for some tips for your valentine:

  • Make a commitment to set aside 10 mins a day to share time together
  • Thank your spouse, fiancé or girlfriend for their love and self-giving.
  • Make St Valentine’s day last all year.

Monsignor Shora Maree

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