Alleluia! Our Lord Jesus said

“I am the Bread of Life.

From the Father I was sent as Word

without flesh to give new life.

Of the Virgin Mary I was born,

taking flesh as man;

as good earth receives a seed,

her womb received me.

Priestly hands now lift me high

above the altars.”

Alleluia! Our gifts, Lord, receive.


On 15 January in the Maronite Church we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Seeds. This is one of three related feasts devoted to Mary in the Maronite liturgical calendar and is unique to it.  The feasts are celebrated as follows.

15 January for the seeds

15 May for the ears of wheat

15 August for the grapes

While these appear to be agricultural feasts and certainly they would have been linked to them, they actually symbolize the Mystery of the Eucharist. They form the ingredients for bread and wine, linking the Virgin Mary to the Holy Eucharist.  

Inspired by the imagery of Saint Ephrem, Mary’s womb received Jesus. We are reminded of this in our Liturgy at the hymn for the transfer of offerings quoted above.

Through the harvests of wheat and grape we receive the gifts of bread and wine, which become for us the body and blood of Christ and like Mary we receive Christ to dwell in us.




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