Proposed opening of the new aged care home and arrangements for wait-listed people
Proposed opening of the new aged care home and arrangements for wait-listed people
It is with great joy that the Maronite Eparchy of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania and Our Lady Aged Care Centre (OLACC), will officially welcome the opening of a brand new aged care home in April 2023. The home will be known as Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park.
OLACC has partnered with a well-respected national health and aged care provider, Mercy Health, to realise a key priority from the 2014-2020 Pastoral Plan — the provision of quality care for the elderly — which was launched by Bishop Antoine-Charbel Tarabay, Eparch of the Maronite Church of Australia, New Zealand and Oceania.
The home, which many will have seen evolve during construction, is located adjacent to Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral, at 128A Alfred Street, Harris Park. It will offer a fresh approach to residential aged care and facilities for dementia, in addition to a day-care and wellness centre for the elderly, employing Mercy Health’s own style of balancing care for each person’s individual physical, mental, social and spiritual needs.
The 85-room residential aged care home will include a range of private rooms with ensuites, with westerly views to Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral and east to the picturesque historic Elizabeth Farm estate. Set across four levels, the home also offers lifestyle activity spaces, an open-air rooftop patio and entertainment area, health, wellness and beauty services, along with clinical and medical consulting spaces, a dedicated chapel and café.
There has been strong interest from the local and surrounding communities with many people putting their names down on a waiting list. Mercy Health will contact anyone who has expressed interest already and whose names are on the waiting list.
In the meantime, anyone interested in finding out more about reserving a place at Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park, can contact Mercy Health direct through its website mercyhealth.com.au or the Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park site or by phone on (02) 6022 5800.
More information regarding a possible open day will be provided when the home is completed and ready to open, prior to residents moving in. This will help anyone who is interested to better understand how the home will deliver quality care for older people.
Mercy Health is also recruiting staff across all roles in the home, from management through to clinical, care, lifestyle, hospitality and maintenance. If you or someone you know shares a strong calling to deliver healthy ageing for our community, you can contact Mercy Health by visiting the website mercyhealth.com.au or by calling (02) 6022 5800 to register your interest and apply for a role.
About Mercy Health
Mercy Health is a national Catholic aged care provider with a strong focus on healthy ageing through its provision of home care, retirement living and residential aged care. Mercy Health has served the community as a trusted provider of public health services and aged care in New South Wales and Victoria since the Sisters of Mercy opened their first hospital in Melbourne 100 years ago.
Work for Mercy Health
To apply for a role at Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park, candidates can contact Mercy Health via email at
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Mercy Health will commence advertising for key positions from 16 November 2022.
Come and live at Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park
To put your name on the waiting list at Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park call our national customer service line and register your details today. Call 02 6022 5800 or search online for Our Lady Mercy Place Harris Park to register your interest via our website.