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Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral Masterplan | 2024

Scene 5We are thrilled to announce the launch of the Our Lady of Lebanon Co-Cathedral Masterplan for the future of our parish community and precinct.
Our new plan is multi-faceted, incorporating upgrades to the Cathedral itself as well as the forecourt and carpark.

From refurbishing and relocating our sacristy, sanctuary and altar, to restoring the pews, introducing a space for parental space, and incorporating air-conditioning and a new sound system, all elements have been designed to enhance the liturgical and spiritual experience and accessibility for parishioners.

As part of the plan, the Cathedral forecourt will include:
• Additional underground parking facilities
• A beautiful new chapel
• An ANZAC memorial
• A Maronite Heritage Centre
• A bell tower

Watch the video to see how our masterplan honours our heritage and reflects our commitment to serving our community better, building a lasting legacy of faith for future generations.




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